Saturday, June 10, 2006

Well Begun is Half-done

We have a weekly program in our office. It is named as Wissendock. “Wissen”, in German, means “Wisdom”. This program involves a series of lectures & team-activities, & is conducted voluntarily by employees of the company.

As a part of this program, our Business Development Manager, Vivek, was scheduled to give a talk on EQ. It was scheduled to start at 4pm. Around 3:55 pm we were told to settle down in the lecture-hall. We all move in, and Vivek came and took his place. He seemed to be prepared well for the talk. We all were sitting now, and still he seemed to be waiting for something to start.

Then suddenly he shouted at one of our co-workers present in the hall. “Why are you talking there? Do you think I am a fool standing here waiting to speak to you all? What do you think of yourself? Can’t you come and take your seat?”

The entire hall went silent at this burst–out from him. Nobody had expected Vivek to behave in such a manner. He is known to be one of the coolest guy around. The employee who was target of this burst, did not know what to do (he is junior to Vivek). He silently went and took his seat.

And then Vivek burst out laughing. He explained to us that what he did was just a demo of a person who has a low EQ than average……

Public speaking is an art. The speaker has to capture not only the attention of his audience, but also drive home the key-points of his topic to them. And when a speaker knows how to capture the attention of audience, his job is almost done. By starting in such a fashion, Vivek not only captured our attention, but also gave a demo as to what we would not do if we have a high EQ. It was a good beginning.

Not to forget to mention, the targeted person is a close friend of Vivek. Even as he was shocked from the out-burst, he knew in his heart that it was not to be taken seriously. Well done Vivek!

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