Thursday, June 22, 2006

Managing Change in Workplace #1

As a rule, people hate change. Ask any person as to how will he react to a major change that is about to take place in his workplace. Most probably you will get a negative answer. All of us love to continue to live in our comfort zones. Nobody wants to take a risk to face the unknown. Then how do we bring about a change in the organization that is accepted by everybody?

Ask the following questions before bringing about the change:

  • Is it really necessary?
  • How many people are going to be affected by it? Can this number be reduced?
  • Are those who are affected happy with the change? What is their opinion?
  • What reward will the given to those who embrace the change first?
  • Are the people able to see the benefits that they will reap once they accept the change?
  • How do the people who are not affected by the change feel about it? Will they like to become a part of it if given a chance?
  • Most important, do the others know how will you be affected by the change?

Once you have the answers to the above questions, plan the change. It is always better to bring about the change in phases rather than all of a sudden. This will help the employees to prepare themselves mentally for that unknown.

More on this in next post.

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