Saturday, June 10, 2006

The Handicapped Son

What do we feel when we a person on the road, who is disabled in some way? Do we avert our gaze and look somewhere else? When such a person approaches us for some help (not begging for money), do we really try to help him as we will do to a normal person? Do we actually treat them as NORMAL person?

We may not be able to help such people always, but let us make a point to thank God for the ability he has given us, that we take so much for granted. Below is an incidence that I received in email from a friend, which gives us something to think about.

The telephone rang. As he picked up, and heard the voice across the line, it was a big relief. He told his wife too, and she lifted her hands up to praise the heaven. The phone was from their son who had been on the battle-field for quite sometime now. It has been more than 15 days since they heard anything from him. And now he had called.

"I am fine dad. The war has come to an end, finally. I will be back in a week."

"Very good son. We were worried about you a lot. You should have called earlier. Anyway, now you are back, no problem. We are eager to see you."

"Dad, I want to ask you something."

"Yes son…?"

"Dad, one of my friends has been wounded in the battlefield. He has lost his one arm and one leg. I want to bring him home."

"Yes son, why not. He can stay with us for few days."

"No dad. I want him to stay with us from now on. He does not have any other place to go."

"But son.. I mean he can't stay with us forever, can he? Such a handicapped person will become a burden to all of us."

"But dad, he does not have anybody else in the world…!"

"Its ok son. You do not have to worry about others. He will find some way to lead his life. Do one thing. You come off here & leave that guy there. We can then discuss about him later at our leisure."

"But dad…"

"Try to understand my dear. We cannot take responsibility for every handicap in this world. You have your own life to take care. Leave him and come here. I assure you that.." and he heard the telephone click at the other end.

One week later they received the news that their son had died at the nearest army headquarter. Full of grief, they went to see his dead-body. The doctor present there told them that it was a case of suicide. He had consumed poison in the night, and was found dead in his bed next morning. But when they finally saw him, it came as a shock to them. He did not have his left arm, and left leg….

Previous post on similar topic: Is He Handicapped?.....No.

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