Saturday, June 10, 2006

Everybody is a Role-Model

Have you heard this saying – “One should keep improving throughout one’s life”? Many a times we would have tried to put it into practice. We would have looked for role-models around ourselves to learn something from them. We might have searched for instances in their life so that we can learn a lesson that life is here to teach us.

Unfortunately, it is not that easy to find role-models. All the qualities that we admire are not found in a single person. On the other hand, many times we find people who are totally opposite. They have those qualities that are not worth emulating. And if we interact with such people quite often, this thought will come to our mind one time or the other, “Can’t these people see me & learn from me? Why can’t they take me as their role-model?”

Here I would like to quote from a mail that I got recently from my friend, Ramanathan. He has commented on this very subject. The excerpt is as follows:

……be a keen observant of your surrounding and people for they are the best teachers. They teach in either way. One is either how to be or how to do or how to live and the other is either how not to be or how not to do or how not to live like them...... this is a part of life... I have personally gained a lot from such observation....

Suffice to say, if we cannot learn what to become, we should at least learn what not to become. These people around us are also role-models. Only we need to learn from them in a bit different way.

Thank you Ramanathan……

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