Saturday, June 10, 2006

Making The Right Choice

Recently I met one of our ex-colleague who had recently joined an MNC in Chennai. As we set down to have a meal, we started to ask her about her new job, workplace, colleagues etc. What she told is worth sharing.

Her new job was really exciting. She got a break in the area of her choice. Her salary was much more than she was getting in her last job. The distance between her office and her place of residence was also reduced, to just 15 minutes of walk. All this sounded very good to all of us & we really felt happy for her.

But then she told that she missed something in her new life. She said that she missed all the fun that we used to have. In her new workplace, where she had been working for one month now, she had no friends. She hardly had any rapo with anybody. Employees seem to concentrate only on their work. There is not much interaction between them. The employees who sit near-by her were all at least two years senior to her. They did not interact much with her, and she being new, also hesitated to mix with them. This was the case not only with her, but with the other newly-joined employees too. They were seated in the midst of senior employees, and faced this problem of not knowing anybody else than their respective reporting manager. Even during the lunch-time, our colleague had to eat alone, and go back to her desk to continue her work. What struck us most that this becomes a habit for the new employees too, so when they become a senior employee, they too don't interact much with the freshers.

Next time when you are planning to switch to a new job, think about it. What kind of workplace you prefer? Would you like a place where your colleagues know you, & spend time with you? Or would you prefer a corporate office where you do your job and your co-workers theirs? I don't deny the importance of a better financial prospective. And money is not everything in life.......

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