Saturday, June 10, 2006

Blessing In Disguise

Last week it was the Birthday of one of my Senior Colleague. We all were set to have a grand lunch in a nearby restaurant, which he had agreed to sponsor. When the lunch-time came we all proceeded towards the decided venue.

Once we all were seated for lunch, I noticed that two members of the Board of Directors had joined us for the lunch. They had come for a meeting, and as it was their lunch-time too, they were invited to join us. This meant that our B'day pal will have to spend some more from his pocket than he would have planned initially. (I had no doubts that he can easily afford it.)

The lunch was in buffet fashion, & we enjoyed ourselves with the multitude of dishes. He was given a gift on behalf of the organization, and all of us sang the traditional B'day song. When it was all over, the bill came. And to surprise of all of us present there, one of the Board Member paid the entire bill, citing it as an additional B’day gift to our colleague.

Many times when we face a problem, we crib about it. We think why we are facing such a problem. What wrong have we done to anybody? We tend to forget that these very problems are the channels through which we utilize our hidden potential. We become stronger. We become tougher, and can face more difficult challenges. When we solve problems at our workplace, they become a reason for our promotion. When we solve problems in life, we overcome our weaknesses & stand tall above others.

One should remember that difficulties are blessings in disguise.... just like the Board Member who joined for the free lunch...........

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