Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Why secret salaries are a bad idea

In most of the organizations the salary of the employees is kept a secret. This is done so that the management can avoid justifying the salary difference to the "lesser-paid" employees when compared to the "well-paid" employees. Many of accept it as a norm.

I happen to come to the following article, and it makes us aware as to what benefits a company can harvest if the salaries of the employees are made public. The followong are the highlights.

Making salaries public (inside the company of course) has some major advantages:

  1. Salaries will become more fair. The system gets a chance to adjust itself.
  2. It will be easier to retain the best employees because they’re more likely to feel they’re getting a fair salary.
  3. The pressure is on the people with the high salaries to earn their keep. Everybody has to pull their weight - the higher the salary, the larger the weight.
Visit the link below to read the entire article.

Why secret salaries are a baaaaaad idea

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