Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Quotes worth citing #3

Love is one of the most wonderful creation of God. It makes us happy at times & sad at other times, depending upon the situation. Love involves sacrifice too. A lover can give his life for the sake of his love. Without giving, love cannot exist.

This is the essence of the following quote that I found last week:

"You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving."

Thursday, August 24, 2006

How to handle a person who complains continously

Many of us would have come across people who keep complaining about everything in this world. It is a very dificult situation for us as we may not agree with them but still we have to listen to all they have to tell us. How do we get out of such a situation?

I found the answer on the link given below. It says that the best way is to empathise with them. That is what they are looking for. Your empathy will give them a lot of self-satisfaction & assurance. For details, follow the following link.

How to handle chronic complainers

Thursday, August 17, 2006

An Amazing Ad

Marketing a product requires an optimum mix of 4 Ps: product, price, promotion, & place. Most important definitely is the product. And the other three are equally important if you need to market the product well.

Look at the image below.

Can you tell what the following ad is for? This ad is for a special promo from the local bus transport service. The traveler can go around the entire city by paying only Rs. 2 ($0.05) with some conditions attached. Right?

In fact, this is an ad for a local daily in Bangalore, India. Think about the placement of this ad. Do you find it misleading………?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Why secret salaries are a bad idea

In most of the organizations the salary of the employees is kept a secret. This is done so that the management can avoid justifying the salary difference to the "lesser-paid" employees when compared to the "well-paid" employees. Many of accept it as a norm.

I happen to come to the following article, and it makes us aware as to what benefits a company can harvest if the salaries of the employees are made public. The followong are the highlights.

Making salaries public (inside the company of course) has some major advantages:

  1. Salaries will become more fair. The system gets a chance to adjust itself.
  2. It will be easier to retain the best employees because they’re more likely to feel they’re getting a fair salary.
  3. The pressure is on the people with the high salaries to earn their keep. Everybody has to pull their weight - the higher the salary, the larger the weight.
Visit the link below to read the entire article.

Why secret salaries are a baaaaaad idea

Friday, August 04, 2006

Launch of Suggestica

It is said that books are the best friend of a man. They are one of the best source of guidance to all aspects of life. Today heralds the day for the launch of a website that has a very good collection of books written by various experts on many subjects. Please visit Suggestica (Beta version) and browse through the huge collection & enjoy...