Thursday, July 06, 2006

Quotes worth citing

I had not been well last week following a bout of food-poisioning. This week I joined my office back again, and came across the following quote:

"Never frown, because you never know who may be falling in love with your smile."

I am smiling today...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi ,I have had a very similar experience which I have captured here

Monday, December 26, 2005
Help me Know !

As I started from home this morning something down there was irking me – some thought was lingering down there – and I knew I had not put the weekend to quiet my mind. As I kept moving & came to the KarumariAmman Temple – where I bow every morning on the way to office so that the day may go off without any eventualities – I saw this old man – in rags and specs asking a “fellaw” on bike with helmet covering his ears – money for Tea. Nothing seemed more painful to me than - that he had to ask 2-3 times. Was it the attitude of the bike wala that made me so ?

….Guess No – have seen enough of such men and women.

This old man is the same person to whom I had given 5 / - last Saturday – for looking after my slippers … - No , that would be a lie – actually for the sense of self- respect he had exhibited one evening few months back.

As I pedaled home after a wonderful ride in the lush settings of IIT - an addiction which could be stopped only by the recent rains - I thought of giving the remaining few coins with me to our old thatha. As I got down and gave him the coin he got furious and shouted “ for what ?” - I was shocked and immediately did a damage-control exercise and told “put in the hundi inside” – thank god he calmed down.

I have narrated this incident atleast 2 times to atleast 3 people in the past. It was such a powerful display of self- respect and uppity ( which I admire) - that this morning’s act sent me wondering what had happened to him in this short while.

What is more puzzling to me is- what is it that has made me feel a wee bit uneasy / painful after the incident –

Is it that I am sad that this oldie has fallen from the high pedestal I had kept him on


is it that my arithmetic cells calculated that I had given 10 times more than what people will pay with a grin (for taking care of their slippers) .
How nice I was to not even tell how much I was giving him - n didn’t get any sign of gratitude which the bike-guy got ?

Now that many hours have passed – I wonder who has changed - is that him or is it me?

Can u help me know ?

posted by Sankara-Subramanian @ 1:27 AM 1 comments links to this post