Monday, November 20, 2006

Our mentality

Last week I was traveling by a local bus to reach my office. Our bus reached a cross-section of the roads when it had to stop due to traffic. It was a bit unusual delay in the bus to proceed further, as that junction is not known for any traffic jams whatsoever. Then, one vehicle in front of our bus took a u-turn and went back. Seeing this happening, many passengers in our bus thought there might be some accident that was the root cause of the trouble. Many of them stood up from their seats and craned their necks outside the bus windows to know actually what has happened. It was evident from the reactions on their faces that they were not able to se anything wrong on the road ahead, which was jammed by many vehicles in front of us. After a minute or so, our bus started moving, and it drew nearer to the point where the accident was supposed to have taken place. Almost all passengers were now peeking out of the windows to get a glimpse of the accident. And as we crossed the spot, there was no accident. The jam was caused by a huge lorry that had taken a wrong turn, and now its driver was trying to reverse it so that he can take it into the right direction.

I was happy that that there was no unfortunate incident that had happened on the road. But the disappointment on the faces of fellow-passengers drew my attention. People were disappointed that they did not get any subject on which they could gossip later with their friends.

I wonder as to what has happened to our mentality. Are we so irrational that we care more for something that will make us center of attraction when we narrate the accident that we saw on the road, than thanking God that there has been no untoward happening around us. Lately it has been a matter of discussion in the philosophical circles as to why people are more attracted towards bad news in a newspaper than good news. My observation is only another proof as to that this is indeed happening.

You may ask, how will change? Or, will it change after all? I have faith that this mentality of ours will change. I do not know how long will it take. I wish I knew how this change will take place.

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